A little bit about us!
Eversley Village Hall is a facility which is held in trust for the benefit of the villagers. We are a registered charity and the Village Hall is run and maintained by a management committee of trustees comprising of local residents and representatives from the community groups that use the Village Hall and meet monthly to discus the running of the Village Hall. We also have a social committee that meets monthly to discus and organise community fundraising events.
Eversley Village Hall provides facilities for a wide range of leisure and recreational activities and social events, which are well promoted and easily accessible to all members of the local community.
The Committee aims to:
- provide a community space which is available for hire to all members of the community.
- seek proactively to identify opportunities for activities to meet the needs of the local community and develop relationships to encourage the hire of the Hall for these purposes.
- support the hirers of the Hall through advertising activities and by encouraging other members of the community to attend and become involved.
- optimise the use of the Hall by hirers and to encourage a variety of activities.
- ensure that the running of the Hall meets all legal requirements and that procedures are adapted to comply with changing legislation.
- ensure the Hall is professionally run and easily accessible to all members of the community.
- ensure that the Hall evolves to meet the needs of the local community.
- run the Hall and manage its ongoing maintenance costs to ensure its long term sustainability.
- support and encourage local charitable organisations.
- raise grant funding where necessary to develop and maintain the Hall.
We are lucky to have a local amenity like this right in the centre of our village
For enquiries and bookings please email evhbookings@hotmail.com